
The project, our goal

Three in 10 Kenyan children have to work to survive. In the Busia region, on the border of Kenya and Uganda, the figure is even higher and many children are victims of child labour. They live in abject poverty and are forced to do heavy and dangerous work. Together with our partner Investing in Children and their Societies (ICS), we are taking action against child labour.



Child labour is incredibly harmful to health and development. Children work long hours and do work that is not appropriate for their age and even puts them at risk.

Poverty is the biggest risk factor for child labour. Children grow up in families where there is not enough to eat and no money for school

Many children come from single-parent families or families run by older children. Parents not what child labour is and how to protect their child.


Extra risk in Busia region

Exploitation takes place in various ways. They are put to work for a pittance or they work long hours without pay, in exchange for food and shelter.

Child labourers cannot play, do not go to school and do not get the care they need. They are just busy surviving.

In the border region between Kenya and Uganda, children are particularly at risk. They are less well controlled at the border crossing and are therefore an easy target for people with bad intentions.



Our goal for 2025 is to inform, help and mobilise 10,000 children and 50,000 family members and community members in the fight against child labour.

The focus is on both prevention and tackling child labour. We mobilise and train stakeholders, including children, to stand up for their rights and demand systemic change.
